Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chain story telling

Arizio Moreira, Hamilton, New Zealand

In this speaking activity the students tell personal stories which are prompted by pictures. The activity is performed as a mingle.
·         Cut up cards of different objects, activities, animals, etc. selected randomly.
·         Place the cards scattered on the floor in the middle of the classroom.
·         Tell the students to pick up a card from the floor which they think makes them remember one of the following:
(a) a memorable event in their lives
(b) a positive or negative past or recent experience or
(c) a story about a friend/family member/acquaintance/etc that they would like to share with others.
·         Tell the students that they must find another in the class and tell them what the picture makes them remember and listen to the other person’s story too.
·         Each student must tell their story for about one to two minutes only.
·         Students then must exchange pictures and find another student to talk to.
·         Emphasise that they must ask the name of the person they were talking to before they move on to talk to another one.
·         Students must then talk to another student and tell him/her the story of the person they last talked to.
·         Students swap pictures again and move on to talk to someone reporting the story they’ve just listened to.
·         Round the activity off by asking individual students to report to the class the interesting things they’ve learned about other people in class.

Teaching Conversational Skills - Tips and Strategies

When employing role-plays, debates, topic discussions, etc., I have noticed that some students are often timid in expressing their viewpoints. This seems due to a number of reasons:

  • Students don't have an opinion on the subject
  • Students have an opinion, but are worried about what the other students might say or think
  • Students have an opinion, but don't feel they can say exactly what they mean
  • Students begin giving their opinion, but want to state it in the same eloquent manner that they are capable of in their native language
  • Other, more actively participating students, feel confident in their opinions and express them eloquently making the less confident students more timid

Pragmatically, conversation lessons and exercises are intended to improve conversational skills. For this reason, I find it helpful to first focus on building skills by eliminating some of the barriers that might be in the way of production. Having been assigned roles, opinions and points of view that they do not necessarily share, students are freed from having to express their own opinions. Therefore, they can focus on expressing themselves well in English. In this way, students tend to concentrate more on production skills, and less on factual content. They also are less likely to insist on literal translations from their mother tongue.
Implementing this approach can begin slowly by providing students with short role plays using cue cards. Once students become comfortable with target structures and representing differing points of view, classes can move onto more elaborated exercises such as debates and group decision making activities. This approach bears fruit especially when debating opposing points of view. By representing opposing points of view, students' imagination are activated by trying to focus on all the various points that an opposing stand on any given issue may take. As students inherently do not agree with the view they represent, they are freed from having to invest emotionally in the statements they make. More importantly, from a pragmatic point of view, students tend to focus more on correct function and structure when they do not become too emotionally involved in what they are saying.
Of course, this is not to say that students should not express their own opinions. After all, when students go out into the "real" world they will want to say what they mean. However, taking out the personal investment factor can help students first become more confident in using English. Once this confidence is gained, students - especially timid students - will be more self-assured when expressing their own points of view.